E. C. Mitchell Company's Abrasive Tapes and Cords

Reviewed By John Noack, #23017

I'll admit to being a tool junkie (watch out, Tim Taylor..).  If my output of models equaled my input of tools...but that's another story.  Anyway, when I saw this line of abrasive tapes and cords from E. C. Mitchell, I contacted them for review samples.

These products come in two basic forms: round, abrasive-coated cords of various diameter, and flat tape of varying width.  Each is available in a variety of grit number.  If you've ever used a Flexi-File, you'd immediately be familiar with the tape version of this product.  In fact, I was thinking of adapting some of the samples to fit my Flexi-File, although both tape and cord form are fairly stiff and can be used unsupported.

Originally designed for machinists who need to get into nooks and crannies of the parts they are finishing, these abrasive materials have obvious applications for us modelers.  Cleaning up the openings in a grille, opening portholes on a ship?  Use the flat tapes.  Cleaning up mold lines between cylinders on your radial engine?  Choose the small diameter cord products.  These are available in grit ranges from 120 up to 200, and the abrasive is aluminum oxide, crocus, or silicon carbide.  In talking to the Mike Kelly from E. C. Mitchell, wet sanding is not recommended.

So - a unique product for special needs.  E. C. Mitchell Company is located at P.O. Drawer 607, Middleton, MA 01949-0907, or you can contact them at ecmitch@msn.com, or via phone at 978-774-1191.

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