SnapTite AT-RT (All Terrain Recon Transport)
Kit Number: 1853
Reviewed by  Dave Morrissette, IPMS# 33653

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MSRP: $16.95
Web Site: .

Revell's newest Star Wars release is a one man, two legged walking vehicle called an AT-RT for All Terrain Recon Transport. This is a scout vehicle with a large laser blaster in the front. Revell's kit is prepainted and includes a vinyl driver figure. The rest of the 45 parts are nicely painted styrene.

Assembly is quick (I put it together watching the original Star Wars!). I do recommend a sprue cutter to minimize the attachment points. Construction starts with the two legs. Everything is designed to press fit but some are tight and need a little push. Also note that the parts for the legs are specific to the right and left legs and are not interchangeable. The leg joints move at the knee and ankle. The body of the walker goes quickly and finishes with the seat and gun installation. Watch for the joint between the legs, transmission, and the main body. I pushed a little hard and snapped it clean. A brass rod and super glue to the rescue and we were good to go!

You attach the leg, add the rider and few miscellaneous parts and you're done. The rider (driver?) sits perfectly with his hands on the wheel. For those of us older, this kit would be a great starter for a super detail project. More wiring, repaint the driver, there are so many possibilities.

This is highly recommended to Jedi's of all ages. My thanks to Revell for the chance to review the kit.

May the force be with you… (had to get that in the review somewhere) ...

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