1/72 A-7A/B/E Corsair II Wheels & Masks
For the Hobby Boss kit
Stock Number: 7227
Reviewed By  Ben Guenther, IPMS# 20101

[detail package image]

MSRP: $7.50

In a single casting Aires provides two main wheels and a precut sheet for the vinyl masks. The wheels are cast in the familiar light grey resin that Aires uses to capture fine details. The wheels can be quickly removed with a razor saw and clean up is just as quick using a sanding stick. Checking the website shows that the Aires A-7 wheels are spot on, which is good because they are different from the ones supplied in the Hobby Boss kit. I provided a photo of the Hobby Boss wheels, they have you glue parts E8 to E9 and as you can see the Aires design is much better.

As for the painting masks, the process is simple if you follow the supplied instructions sheet the results will be a nicely painted wheel as seen in the photograph. The masks themselves are easy to apply and remove, leaving no residue.

These Aires A-7 wheels present a great increase in accuracy at a low price and they will also save you time with clean up and painting. Thusly, I can highly recommend this product.

I would like to thank IPMS/USA and Aires for the opportunity to review this product.

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