1/72 - AH-1S Detail Set and Zoom Set
For the Hobby Boss kit
Stock Number: 73334 (Zoom set: SS334)
Reviewed By  Floyd S. Werner, Jr. IPMS# 26266

[detail package image]

MSRP: $25.00 (Zoom set: $13.00)
Direct links to these products: 73334 SS334

Detail Set (73334)

[review image] The Hobby Boss AH-1S kit, which is actually an AH-1F (but that is another story), is a nice kit but a little basic. This PE set adds to the look of the whole helicopter. This set consists of two frets with one of them being pre-painted and a clear acetate film for the gun sight.

The detail on the instrument panel is gorgeous and certainly beyond my capabilities to paint that nice and even better than decals. Of course the set is small because of the small size of the model but that just means the addition of these parts adds greatly to the finished model. The use of the PE is logical, however, there are two parts that are flat that should have relief, the front seat collective and the canopy handles, but that isn't a problem. Some of the parts will be tricky to roll and fold but the level of detail is worth the extra work. The self adhesive feature will make the use of some of these parts easier to add to the model.

There isn't a part of the Hobby Boss kit that will not be improved by the Eduard PE. Some of this set will even improve the Hasegawa kit in this scale.

Zoom Set (SS334)

[review image] [review image] This self adhesive zoom set is designed for the Hobby Boss, AH-1S (which is the AH-1F). This set is also included in the overall set for the Hobby Boss kit (#73334) or it is available separately (#SS334).

The set contains a self adhesive fret of PE parts and a clear acetate film. Most of this set is designed for the interior which will really spruce it up. The seat upgrades, HUD, and cockpit consoles are far superior to what the kit offers. There are two parts that are flat that should have relief, the front seat collective and the canopy handles, but that isn't a problem.

The amount of detail in this set is really nice and far superior to what is offered. It is a necessary upgrade. It makes a nice compromise if you don't want the full set and will certainly add to your model.


Highly recommended

Thanks to Eduard for the review copies. You can get yours by contacting them directly online at or any of the retailers that sell Eduard products. Tell them IPMS/USA sent you.