1/48 Lancaster Gun Barrels
For the Tamiya kit
Stock Number: 48 288
Reviewed By  Floyd S. Werner, Jr., IPMS# 26266

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MSRP: $6.50
Website: www.quickboost.net

Tamiya's Lancaster has those really nice front and rear turret, but if your molding is like mine the guns are out of round and leave a little bit to be desired. Quickboost recognized this as well and now offers replacement barrels that are far superior to the kit offerings.

Molded in a light yellow resin, these little beauties are simply fabulous. The perforations on the barrels are flawlessly executed as are the hollowed out flared flame dampeners. You get eight guns in total. I would have liked to have one or two more just in case but the eight guns is enough to do both turrets. Addition of the parts is relatively easy. Just cut the kit part right where it passes through the turret and superglue these jewels in its place. The hardest part will be to ensure they are all pointed in the same direction.

Highly recommended.

Thanks to Quickboost for the review copies. You can obtain your copy by contacting them directly at www.quickboost.net or by various online retailers and your local hobby shop. Tell them IPMS/USA sent you.

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