1/32 Sorbitsya Pod
For the Sukhoi Su-27 & Su-30
Reviewed By  Dave Morrissette, IPMS# 33653

[detail package image]

MSRP: $28.00

If you are like me, the first thing I had to look up is what is a Sorbitsya Pod? Quick to the Internet! A few minutes of research later and I found info showing that this is an ECM pod (Electronic Counter Measures) which is fitted to the Su-27 or Su-30 is fitted to the wing tip positions.

As far as I can tell, this is the first time that I can find this being kitted and is a welcome addition. You can see one mounted here:

Zactomodels set comes with two pods, two end caps and two vinyl reinforcing strips. Casting is first rate and there are also two templates so that the rivet patterns can be replicated in the vinyl strips. A very nice feature is the mounting wires cast right into the pod itself. Construction is simple with cap being attached to the pod and the pod to the wing. The reinforcing strips are added and the rivets pushed through the templates. Simple and a very nice touch.

This is highly recommended as it adds visual appeal and allows replication of an important piece of hardware that is not available elsewhere. My thanks to Chris Wilson, Zactomodels and IPMS/USA for the review sample.