Great Wall Hobby
1/35 German WWII 200L Oil Drums
Kit Number: L3513
Reviewed by  Tom Moon, IPMS# 43192

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MSRP: $9.95
Sample provided by Me (from Dragon Models USA), Website:

Lion Roar has spun off a new company to produce and market complete kits. One of the first is the German 200L Oil drums.

Construction is very simple. There are two halves and two end pieces. I used a tenax type glue that when you squeeze the halves together and a little melted plastic will ooze out. When that is dry it is easy to scrape and sand off making a seamless drum.

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I painted all drums with a panzer grey. Then for 4 of them I sprayed them with a water soluable hairspray. After about 15 minutes I they sprayed them with a desert yellow. I let that dry for about 20 minutes. Then with a stiff bristle brush, I dipped the brush in water and started dabbing at the paint. After a short while the water will soak through and dissolve the hairspray. Then I removed random areas to depict pealing/worn paint.

I finished the drums with MIG Oil and Grease wash and some earth tone pigments.

Conclusion - This is a quick and easy build. These are great for diorama extras or a load for any supply vehicle. I recommend this kit.

Thanks to my credit card for the review sample and IPMS/USA for the review space.

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