AFV Modeller

AFV Modeller #45, March/April 2009
Reviewed By  Mike Howard, IPMS# 30741

[book cover image]

MSRP: 6.00 GBP (approx $9.90 USD)

AFV Modeller continues publishing what I consider to be one of the best high-end, high-quality magazines for armor builders. Devoted to showcasing great models, excellent tutorial segments and very useful photo references sections, each issue covers a variety of subject matter.

[review image] In this issue (March/April 2009), the cover project is the 1/35 Resicast 1914-pattern Rolls Royce armored car, built by the editor, David Parker. The kit looks like a masterpiece of resin casting and the build is well documented in words and pictures. The author thinks very highly of this kit and does a great job in completing it beautifully.

[review image] The second article is that of a derelict Afghan T-54. The base 1/35 Tamiya kit is super-detailed with a stripped-out engine compartment, age damage and heavy weathering. The author gives a good text description of the various techniques and materials used to complete this fine build.

[review image] The next article covers a vehicle that I’m unfamiliar with, the FV432 Bulldog. This modern British APC has been in service since the early 1960s and underwent major upgrades approximately 10 years ago. The kit is a Cromwell Models full-resin model and appears to have very nicely-cast parts with exceptional detail. A few additional details (stowage) were added to the build to liven the interior up somewhat. Included are the author’s color choices and some nice photo references of the actual vehicle as seen in Iraq. Finally, the author gives a brief rundown of his display base that sets the vehicle into a city environment display. This modern APC looks as though it could be used on the set of a sci-fi movie!

[review image] Of course, no AFV magazine can be complete without the inclusion of some WWII German armor. This issue covers that niche with a very nicely done 1/48 Tamiya StuG III B, dressed in winter camouflage. The author, Sven Frisch, takes the kit build to the next level by adding some resin stowage and various photo-etched bits plus doing a well- worn winter paint scheme. Here also is an excellent tutorial on the steps used to get the StuG from the standard panzer gray through the whitewash steps that make up the winter paint scheme. Following the paint guide, the weathering steps are outlined with text and pictures. Another nice feature with this article is a brief, step-by-step figure painting guide using the tank commander for the example piece.

[review image] For the main reference section in this issue, the M4, small hatch, composite hull Sherman tank. Six pages of excellent, modeler-oriented photos are included as well as some text explaining the type.

[review image] For the final build article, the magazine editor starts his build of the latest, greatest Trumpeter armor release: the 1:16 scale King Tiger, with full interior. Just seeing the picture of the author leaning on the waist-high box is enough to show that this will be quite the model. This is the first installation of the build sequence and shows the kit parts and the start of the interior build. Included are many reference photos of the interior of an original King Tiger and also information about the reference DVD that the author used. Lots of additional details are being added to this huge kit and I’m looking forward to seeing the build progress in the next issues.

The final sections of the magazine are filled with some of the recent releases from various kit and accessory manufacturers. Lots of photos and some descriptions will help you decide if these fine items are what you need. The last seven pages are of photos taken during the 2009 Nuremburg Toy Fair. Again, more photos of upcoming product releases whet the appetite for armor aficionados, including a 1/10 remote-control Leopard for a mere 4000 Euros!

This publication continues to provide very good value for the money and comes highly recommended! Thanks to AFV Modeller for the review sample and keep up the great work!