Model Art Co.
Panzergraph Issue 16
Amphibious Vehicles
Reviewed By Jack Bruno, IPMS #25313

[book cover image]

MSRP: $19.90
ISBN 4910087340592 02095
Publisher: Model Art Co., Ltd, 1-12-30, 1Chome, Kudankita Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0073 Japan

A very interesting issue from PANZER GRAPH came from IPMS/USA today dealing with Amphibious Vehicles, which in my mind, is a very welcome addition because of the kits from Italeri, Bronco and Trumpeter that have been released of late. Let's have a look at the articles in this issue.

To start this review off on the left foot, I'd like to draw your attention to a magnificent diorama article featuring the Trumpeter 1/35th scale Panzer IV Bridge layer that is on pages 68 to 74. This extraordinary article has the mobile Bridge in the act of being extended over a knocked out Bridge and includes light poles, many figures, a Dragon Models Assault Boat, water, drainage pipes and rubble along with the Bridge.  It even has a very well done German Shepard in the mix.  This article alone makes the issue worth the price of admission. The article also includes the in-progress shots of this beautiful work and has given me tips. It just goes to show you what you can do with some of these specialty vehicles that are out there.

If modern AFV are your cup of tea then you'll be amazed at the treatment that the new 1/35 Hobbyboss AAVP-7A1 gets. The article details the nicely done static display and is built out of the box and features a full interior. The author painted it in the Black/Green/Red Brown scheme and it just looks awesome. Very good interior shots here too for those of you that like to open your tanks up for full viewing.

Next, two LWS (Land-Wasser-Schlepper) Type II's that are scratch built, with a floating bridge in the center, and moving by water a Dragon Panzerjager "Lang". This is one very nice job and feature a lot of scratch building. In progress shots are included just to give you an idea of the amount of work that was put in here. It is a static display but the diorama possibilities are there and the result would be explosive. It also grace's the issues front cover.

The next article is a school bus on water... using the Italeri DUKW. The author remodels it into a on water tourist bus. It's even painted yellow and should give some contest die-hard's some idea's! Not only does this guy get high marks for creativity, it's very well done right down to the weathering. There are also various pictures of the actual vehicle in use.

How about a Sherman??  Here we have a Resincast Sherman D.D. Mk. I which is being launched off the boat in the waters of Normandy. This is really cool as this beast has the canvas sides full up and is being disembarked off the launching ramp. Very creative and the choppy sea really comes off well. 

Next up for attention is a Cyberhobby Panzer IV Ausf. E Tauchpanzer coming out of water in a very well done presentation. The kit has all the trimmings and the pipe fully extended.  The groundwork and Figures are all well done and for you Diorama guy's, one can really pick up some idea's from these smaller Diorama's. The vegetation is painted very well and not overly done.

Lastly, a very cool looking diorama features a winterized 1/35 Bronco LWS Mid-Production. Well, now you have one and does it look cool with the whitewash starting to fade away showing the gray paint. Not to be out done, The Hobbyboss LWS gets the full treatment only this kit is in the water with an Afrika Korp Officer on the deck. There is a very good contrast between the two kits really make this come off very well.  Pick your poison on this one.

There's even more but I have to keep you hanging just a little bit. Run out and get this. It's one of those special issues that your reference collection can't do without. Many thanks to Model Art and IPMS/USA