Sam Publications
Abrams, Bradley & Stryker
by  Andy Renshaw and Ryan Harden
Reviewed By  Floyd S. Werner, Jr., IPMS# 26266

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MSRP: $40.00
ISBN: 978-1-906959-15-9

The first armor title from SAM Publications Armor Data File (ADF) series deals with the three primary offensive vehicles used by the US Army in Iraq, the M1 Main Battle Tank, M2/M3 Bradley and the Stryker Infantry Fighting Vehicles. For those familiar with the SAM Publications Modellers Data Files this book is set up very similar.

[review image] Printed on high quality paper, this soft bound book features 128 pages filled with color photos of the three vehicles. Broke down into sections, the vehicle history and employment are covered. These sections are designed with the modeler in mind. Each vehicle is covered first with the history so you know which variant you are looking at.

That is followed up by a walk around section which will prove very valuable to the modeler. This is followed up by a color profile section with some very nicely done color renditions.

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The following section showcases the author's build of the subject vehicles. This section will prove very useful to the modeler as it offers tips and techniques for the current models. Everything is covered from the selection of the model through building and finishing. Tips are offered for working with photo etch parts, resin pieces and how to replicate the non-skid surfaces. All this information will be very helpful even to an experienced modeler. The photos are high quality color and the model section features well lit photos. This allows the modeler to see and replicate the techniques being highlighted. I must say that the Stryker with the slat armor cage is really impressive. That is a lot of photo etch. All the models are first rate

What is really nice about this book is that it deals with the latest upgrades to each vehicle such as the TUSK upgrades on the M1 and the ERA kit on the Bradley. This information is not available at any other resource that I'm aware of, let alone all in one place. There are two appendices, one dealing with the IED Menace and the other Kitography for all three vehicles. So the modeler will now where to go when he wants to do these kits or accessories.

This book is a must for the modern armor builder. I really enjoyed the whole book and I look forward to the next installment. The tips and techniques are very helpful, the photos of the real thing are beautifully rendered, and the models are inspirational. The full color drawings will prove helpful. I can't think of a way to make this one stop shop a better offering.

Highly recommended.

Thanks to SAM Publications for the review copy. You can obtain your copy by contacting them at their website or through various hobby shops or online retailers.

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