Happy Medium Press
Sci-Fi & Fantasy Modeller, Vol. 15
Reviewed By  Scott T. Adams Sr, IPMS# 43843

[book cover image]

MSRP: 13.95 GBP (Approx. $21.98 USD)
ISBN: 978-0-9558781-8-3
Website: www.scififantasymodeller.co.uk

For the Sci-Fi modeler this magazine is a valuable resource tool. This is the second copy I have seen and both are excellent. The magazine covers a wide span of sci-fi models (Resin, Styrene, scratch builds, ect.) it is published four times a year and subscriptions are available on their web site. I try to pick up the ones that have an article on a project I want to build as the wife would kill me if I get another subscription. The articles are well written and have a good number of photos of all the stages of construction and painting as well as weathering.

This volume has eleven articles, seven kit reviews, two scratch builds, one 1:1 prop build and an article about behind the scenes of the show Robot Chicken. I must admit I have never heard of the show so I don't know if it is in England or over here but the sets and models are interesting as they poke fun at sci-fi shows as a fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000 I might see if I can find it out there. Now back to the magazine. One of features of this issue is the Robbie the Robot from Forbidden Planet fame and the B9 Robot from the original Lost in Space. It takes you thru the build from opening the box which aftermarket parts are used then goes thru the lighting of each kit giving all parts needed and schematics as well. The other article which really caught my eye was the Stratosphere Models' Purple Salamander living ship which as a Babylon 5 fan it looks a lot like the Earth Alliance ship White Star to me. I have this Kit so I was looking forward to see how it is painted.

All the articles are easy to read and have a splash of typical British humor in them. I look forward to getting further volumes as I can or can convince the wife that I need them for research. This magazine is very high quality with great photos and covers a wide range of sci-fi modeling and has very little advertising in it so it is mostly articles.

I would like to thank IPMS/USA and Happy Medium Press for the opportunity to review this magazine.